Wednesday, February 01, 2006

timeshift me

I'm nearly over my TiVo withdrawal after five months on broadcast
television. Now I've found a new fascination - this new-fangled
Podcastin' thing.
I never bothered with audio downloads before. No. 1, I had TV. No. 2,
the early podcasts available seemed like computer geeks with a
microphone rambling about the things computer geeks talk about. I
could get that just hanging out with my friends.
Now that I'm TV deprived and listening to my iPod as I wander around the city, I decided to see what was on tap. I found the NPR podcasts (if only they threw everything up, it'd be easier). Then the Ricky Gervais podcast, and started to catch up to the whole audio time-shifting phenomenon.
It can't touch TiVo. But it's still a damn fine way to go about the
day, listening to things I never would listen to because: No. 1, I'm
in New Zealand, and those things aren't actually on the radio here;
and No. 2, because even if they were on, I'd never make the time to
actually sit and listen.

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