Thursday, May 25, 2006

the longest short story in the world ... Ever!

Finally read Infinite Jest. It was the first 1,100-page short story I've ever read.
At least, that's what it felt like, more than a novel. Obviously David Foster Wallace was trying to avoid a conventional ending. A lack of real resolution was at first jarring, but after some time to digest the book, it simply felt more like finishing a short story (albeit one that took a month to read). Rather than telling an expansive story with characters woven in, Infinite Jest is more a study of characters (lots of them) with a story woven between them.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Through one of the many random connections we've had since arriving in New Zealand, I've become friends with a Wellington stand-up comic. This means I've become aquainted with just about all the comics in Wellington since it's not exactly a huge scene.
Now that I've left Wellington, no more late-night poker sessions with the comics. But I will be watching their new sketch comedy site I'll also be watching Cori this weekend.

Monday, May 15, 2006

the best sign in the world, ever

amsterdam sign
Originally uploaded by slack13.
I needed to put this up - seen in Amsterdam a couple of years ago.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

like Easter Eggs

like Easter Eggs
Originally uploaded by slack13.
Here we go. A test of a flickr feature, as well as plug for my flickr photos.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

quote of the week

From some guy named Paul Walker, who was apparently in a movie called Into the Blue with Jessica Alba, on Jessica Alba:

"I couldn't take my eyes off that ass. I'm sorry. She's beautiful. And she's such a pain in my ass, too.

"But that's what I love about her. She's the kind of girl you just want to have angry sex with for the rest of your life because it's just that good."