Sunday, November 27, 2005

news from a home

I have received troubling word from Hattiesburg, Mississippi:

The End Zone is now charging $1.50 for a draft beer.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

i heart letters to the editor

It must be fun to be on the letters staff of a large newspaper. In
the last two days Wellington's paper, the Dominion Post, has
published a letter from a man wondering why more attention wasn't
being given to smoking as a preventative step/cure for the Bird Flu,
because many of the front-line solders in World War I smoked and
dealt with victims of the Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918, "and to
the best of my knowledge none of them died."
The day before, a rather irate reader wrote in to ask why the paper
perpetrated the myth of the American moon landing by publishing a
photo purportedly of the moon taken by the Apollo 17 crew.
"Such a myth might have been useful in protecting western
civilisation with Soviet technology might have been seen to be
superior, but those days are gone."

Thursday, November 10, 2005

someday it'll happen

So I might have lost weight since being in New Zealand, but the other bad habit I expected to magically disappear here hasn't. Despite cigarettes costing NZ$11-12 a pack, I've still been smoking - but less than I did in Mississippi. The price and the smoking ban in bars contribute to an easing of the habit, but having a smoking flatmate and a number of smoking friends means I'm still just as much of a smoke mooch as ever.
Ah well.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

it's my favorite kind of life

From a Morphine song:

Early to bed/early to rise

Makes a man or woman miss out on the nightlife.