Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ESPN360 and the iPhone

Notice I didn't say ESPN360 on the iPhone - for that you'll have to look elsewhere. But for someone like me, whose Comcast internet means no ESPN360 access, I just found out my iPhone was the key to unlocking the online sports streaming service.

Since ESPN has obstinately decided to use the cable TV model on the web - charge the providers, not the customers - those of us who get our Internet through a non-participating ISP (and for all I dislike about Comcast, I can't blame them for not buying into this horrible precedent of an online business model) can't access the Worldwide Leader's online live video.

The iPhone is no help on the go - as far as I know, there's no way to watch the video on the device. But navigate to espn360.com using AT&T's 3G (or Edge, I imagine) service and ESPN sees you as qualified. If you have a free myESPN account (or if you sign up) you can then click "Remote Access" to set your username as someone who can use the service. Then at home using a non-360 ISP, log in to ESPN and start watching.


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. Were you ever actually able to try it! When I sign in while I'm on AT&T's 3G network, it says I am not on a participating provider. Did it work in the past and get disabled?

Anonymous said...

It works!!! Here's what I figured out though... when I navigate to ESPN360.com on my (jailbroken) iphone it sees me on an approved network (at&t), but when I tried to activate a second account with my girlfriend's (unjailbroken) iphone it didn't find me on a participating network...? You could always get someone with an approved ISP to activate your myESPN acct on their computer and then just sign in on your won computer