Saturday, May 03, 2008

a question

This week I was listening to a news report that included a quote from a "long-time Republican" who is planning to vote for Obama. It didn't say why he was planning to vote for Obama, as that wasn't the real focus of the story. But it did make something click in my mind. I've heard reports since the early primaries that Obama was winning over independents and Republicans. But I can't figure out why, exactly, a long-time Republican would decide to switch to Obama. It's not like there's anything about his candidacy that would appeal to someone to the right of center, politically. I understand that Republicans might be dissatisfied with the general state of the party and this year's candidates (now candidate) specifically, but it seems to me it makes more sense they would just stay home rather than become inspired by Obama.

Anybody hear any reasonings as to why Obama is/was winning some Republican votes?

1 comment:

Cory said...

His initial message was to work across the aisle and try and stop partisan politics, but now, who knows. Clinton has started to claim all of the small town democrats, that I would say are more "repulican" leaning of the democrats. Who the f** knows this year. All I know is that I am voting for him because I like what he says, he is a democrat, and In my life time, I would like to have at least four last names from my presidents.