Monday, December 19, 2005

a thing I'm reading

David Foster Wallace is damn good. I'm reading Oblivion right now, and every story captures a little bit of the scatter-shot process of thoughts, as well as the elusive nature of our abstract thoughts when we try to pin them down and put them into words.

He writes the way you think. Or the way you wish you thought. Or, often, the way you really hope you don't think but deep down inside know you sometimes do, and you're kind of glad someone else thinks this way and wrote it down but you're also trying to distance yourself, in your mind, from that kind of thinking and so you also feel superior to the person who admits to thinking like that.

I have realized some people find his habit of using run-on sentences or run-on thoughts hard to read. I just find myself marvelling at what he's able to do with words.

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