Tuesday, July 11, 2006

this has actually come up in conversation recently...

Does the word "phallic" have a twin referring to those objects that resemble female genetalia? I don't know.

--- wait for a quick trip to webster.com ---

Webster didn't help, actually, since "phallic" isn't in the thesaurus. However, after a few Google attempts, I have found my answer.
"Yonic" is the term I was looking for. It just doesn't have the same ring to it, however.

(and as a side note, I got some interesting results before I figured out how to properly word my Google search. Searching for "opposite of phallic" worked. Before that, I somehow ended up here.

And the reason I was asking - this is a photo of a rock formation on the coast near Dunedin called The Chasm. You tell me what it looks like.

smaller version